June 28, 2011

A Dogs Life...

     Here our boy is "on full alert". He is not doing justice to the Rottweilers awful reputation,is he? Gus is no doubt resting up for another swim session.

June 21, 2011

Tiny Bubbles...!

Gus is getting another bath, although as hot as it is I think he does not mind. He is anxious to get back to swimming and having fun. Smelling pretty doesn't seem to excite him in the least.

Mom and I after the bath.

After a long walk, bath and swim time we get  Gus to pose with his mom for a quick picture. He was not impressed. This guy would swim until he would drown if we let him. I let him go as long as possible as our little guy sleeps pretty good all night. Not to mention Gus owes his mom big time for doing a super job on his web site so all can enjoy him.

"Marry Me" Take 2

Thought we would throw this on as Gus has improved his singing a little bit since the first take! We have been busy swimming and boating along with walks on the golf course.Summer life agrees with our little devil dog.