July 24, 2010


What was i thinking? Dad threw my dummy and away I went. Actually, this lake living ain't bad when it is so hot. I am trying to get dad to shut up bragging about his retrievers. Hope he gets the hint before fall as I still am not going after ducks in cold water.

Ol Gus is taking to this water like a duck would. Yesterday the little guy couldn't wait until I got to the island and jumped off the boat about two hunded yards away and swam in.He is no hard core Chessie but is by far the most water loving rott I have ever owned. As the top picture shows he is jumping.....ok......"plopping" in off the end  of the pier and with each jump gets more daring. After another afternoon swim today I look over as I type this and our little guard dog is out like a light. I better sleep light tonight as I think my tough guy might need a night off.