July 24, 2010


What was i thinking? Dad threw my dummy and away I went. Actually, this lake living ain't bad when it is so hot. I am trying to get dad to shut up bragging about his retrievers. Hope he gets the hint before fall as I still am not going after ducks in cold water.

Ol Gus is taking to this water like a duck would. Yesterday the little guy couldn't wait until I got to the island and jumped off the boat about two hunded yards away and swam in.He is no hard core Chessie but is by far the most water loving rott I have ever owned. As the top picture shows he is jumping.....ok......"plopping" in off the end  of the pier and with each jump gets more daring. After another afternoon swim today I look over as I type this and our little guard dog is out like a light. I better sleep light tonight as I think my tough guy might need a night off.

July 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Gus!!!!!

No, Gus doesn't get paid to promote this food but he should. It is about time he made his mom and I some money instead of spending ours. LOL  Gus and I figure as good as the Holistic makes him look and as much as he loves the taste we can throw them an occasional bone. We get cake and Gus gets a can of soft food mixed in his dry food for his birthday and I bet he loves it more then any darn cake. Sometimes I feel dumb for feeding him what I feel is top of the line food to only turn around and see him polishing off some dead fish or animal! LOL 

Here is the "Pretty" photo I promised the other day. At least I think he is looking fine. As I said the other day he is running a little smaller than he probably should at his age but he seems very healthy and so far the hips seem to be okay as well. Couple that with a heart the size of Texas and I will take that over size anytime.

Pretty boy in yet another photo. I still rank him as the smartest Rott I have owned but unfortunately also the most stubborn! Always trying to "out-smart" me and usually in the presence of others when he knows I am more preoccupied with company then following up on training......but don't fear as I always do. He just likes to make me look bad. He finally has come out of alot of his skittish stage and July fourth was a good example. I was scared to death being surrounded by fireworks Gus would go nuts but he didn't bat an eye. He is still and always been ready to fight the neighborhood "bullies" that charge us when WE walk down the road on the leash. Now that he is bigger than most of them they seem less interested in calling his bluff. Happy 1st Birthday Gus.......the first of what I hope is many.

July 17, 2010

Doggie Daze and Summer Fun at the Island

Heck with photos...Lets swim!!!!

If I had a tail I could turn better!!

Gus is really eating up this lake life. Tooo hot to do much other then cool off in the lake. Last September I put him in the lake (paw deep) and he freaked! This summer he started off just as paranoid but with each trip to the island he would have more and more fun. He now swims quite well and loves to chase his kong and me for that matter. He also feels quite at home sticking his whole head underwater looking for sticks. The only problems with him liking the lake so much are everytime we let him out he wants to run down and go for a dip and then we have a smelly, wet dog to deal with.The other problem is if we take him swimming we have to make sure we will be home for about the next three hours as he takes in so much water he has to potty every five minutes for a long time! LOL 

He is about four days from his first birthday and I will take a (pretty) photo of our boy. He is holding steady at eighty pounds or so which scares me a little as I want him larger than that at maturity. He still has about six months to mature so I am hoping for another growth spurt soon.Just seems he should have slowed down growing at about one hundred pounds but we will see.